Keep in Touch with Your Camper
Writing your camper is a wonderful way of keeping in touch during the busy camp season! We encourage you to keep in touch with your camper and to share in their excitement about camp programming and their new experiences. In your correspondence, please be mindful of how your writing might impact homesickness and focus your writing on excitement about camp activities instead of activities at home.
All mail is distributed daily after lunch (except on Shabbat).
Please consult your Camp Tavor Family Handbook for a complete Address for Camp Tavor.
Also be sure to address your envelope with your Camper's Name and Camper Shichvah (Example: Bonimot, Garanimot)
**Please be aware that mail to and from camp is very slow. Mail to campers is delivered every day and mail from campers is collected every morning and picked up by our mailman every day. Still, be advised mail can take up to a week to be delivered.
Emailing Your Camper
You can send an email to your camper through your CampInTouch accounts. Emails will be printed by 10 am. Any emails that are sent after 10 am will be distributed the following day. Your camper will not be able to email you back. Please don't include attachments or photos unless you purchase additional CampStamps.
CampStamps are credits parents/guests can use to facilitate and enhance communication with their camper(s). Parents/Guests can add CampStamps to their account by clicking the link at the top of the Email page. CampStamps are offered in the following packages: 10 for $10, 15 for $14, 20 for $18, and 30 for $25.
After your initial purchase of CampStamps Camp Tavor will gift you 5 free emails each week your camper/campers are registered. ** Please note that Camp Tavor no longer has access to messagemycamper@camptavor.org.
Note: while we do not refund parents for unused CampStamps, they do carry over between seasons, so any unused stamps will be available for future use.
Email Enhancements
In the Email center, parents/guests will be able to add optional games and stationery to their email. Each of these items will cost 1 additional CampStamp (plus the 1 to send).
SmartWords: Add age-appropriate vocabulary words (options: elementary, middle, SAT prep.)
Sudoku: Add a Sudoku game to an email (three levels of difficulty to choose from.)
Email Stationery: Choose from a variety of fun, digital stationery to further personalize an email.
Send A Smile: The option to attach a photo to an email. This option is found below the email body text.