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Builders & Dreamers 
Legacy Society




"Just as others have planted for me -- 

so too shall I plant 

for the next generation."

Babylonian Talmud, Ta'anit 23a 

Strength, Sustainability, and Continuity

People of all ages who love Tavor and want its mission to continue for future generations are invited to join Tavor's Builders & Dreamers. Leaving a legacy is an important part of one's lifework. By making a commitment to Tavor in your estate plan, you ensure the future of machaneh and continue to support the cause that is so important to you. 

Invest in Tavor's strength, sustainability, and continuity, today, tomorrow, and forever...

Sign our "Letter of Intent" stating your wish to remember Tavor with a planned gift, and join the Builders & Dreamers Legacy Society.

Small Gestures, Huge Impact


"Tavor has meant so much to my family through the years.

It gave me the foundational underpinnings that guide me to this day.

The values and experiences have stood the test of time and are all the 

more relevant today. A legacy gift represents a small way that I can

help continue our influence on the generations to come."

Daniel Derman

Chanuch, 1969-1973

Tzevet, 1976-1980

Giving is Easy

Many options are available 


After providing for the needs of your loved ones in your will or living trust, you may choose to benefit organizations like Tavor that reflect causes personally important to you. This option is the most common way for supporters to leave a legacy gift. If you already have a will, an attorney can help arrange a bequest with a simple amendment or codicil.

Retirement Plan

(401k or IRA)

Simply naming Camp Tavor as a full or percentage beneficiary of a remainder of a retirement account. Whereas retirement distributions to heirs are extremely costly (up to 70% in some cases), there are no taxes on distributions to 501(c)(3) organizations. 

Life Insurance

 When Tavor is named as the beneficiary, premiums may be tax deductible.

Legacy Donors

Simon & Marilyn Golden
Deborah Spector
Yitzchak Kerem
Louise Liberson Granader
Joel Weingarten (Gingy)
Edith Paller
Carol Patinkin
Judy Pincus Hante
Tami & Siegel Gordon
Simon Lesser
Cynthia Musickant
Dana Peres Edelson
Michael Appel & Ruth Kraut
Chaike Greenberg
David Pincus
Michal & Craig Golden
Dalia Ness

Gerson Gillet

Ronna & David Ness-Cohn

Sarah & Elan Okin & Ruggill
Lonnie Golden
Karen Ness
Molly Rose Elkins-Ryan
Steve & Lisa Friedland
David Steiner
Nancy Ellen Adatto Weiss
Josh Orenstein
Irit Steiner
Mira Sussman
Alan & Harriet Gelfond
Harold Grinspoon
Tamara and Brandon & Seigel
Chuck Gelfond
Jeffrey Dolgin

Maya Friedman & Ryan Wagman

Daniel Derman

As well as 29 anonymous donors 

Ruth Lerman & Mark Sinkoff
Ben Goren

Jonah Hess
Alice Liberson
Paul Parter
Caren Minkoff
Beth & Avi Brandvain
Richard Halperin
Ari Lampear
William Liberson
Linda Goldstein Knowlton
Yaniv Schiff
Rachel Subrin Jensen
Steve Eisenstein
Rebecca Minkoff
Daniel Waldman
Nechama Solomon
Berel and Barb Lutsky

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