Summer Employment
Working as a part of the Tavor Tzevet (staff) is an incredibly valuable leadership development experience and can provide a wonderful way to give back to Tavor and also provide a wonderful foundation for countless future careers. If you are interested in joining the Camp Tavor Tzevet, we’d love to hear from you. The following is just a sampling of the different summer positions available at Camp Tavor:
Madrichim (Counselors)
Our college-aged madrichim, most of whom grew up at Camp Tavor, foster the development of each and every camper, building a close-knit community based on friendship and respect. It’s not uncommon to see counselors with older and younger campers playing and laughing side-by-side, eating a meal together, or deep in discussion. At Tavor, our counselor-to-camper ratio is never more than 1:5. Counselors sleep in the tents and cabins with campers, providing supervision and ensuring safety and security.
Waterfront/Pool Staff
Our waterfront and pool staff are trained and certified by the American Red Cross and other agencies. We follow the rules and regulations of the State of Michigan and the American Camping Association to ensure the health and safety of all our campers at the waterfront.
Medical Staff
Two members of the medical staff live at camp each summer in our mirpa’ah (wellness center). All are experienced, licensed medical professionals who are accessible to campers and staff 24 hours a day. We consult with local physicians for care when necessary and have a hospital approximately three miles away, in case of an emergency.
Food Service Staff
Each summer, former campers and hired professionals work together to prepare meals and keep our dining facility clean, healthy, and safe. Our staff members are selected based on their experience and desire to provide healthy, kosher-style meals for our campers. The kitchen staff will adapt meals to meet special camper and staff eating requirements.
Each summer specialists are hired for various activities including arts and crafts, sports, Hebrew, music, tiyul (camping), tikkun olam (community service), and special projects. These specialists have experience in their area and focus their time and energy on providing fun and effective programming.